If you administer a Coordinated Entry assessment to a client who is either fleeing domestic violence, abuse, trafficking, or sexual assault, or your client has not consented to HMIS data entry you will need to use the following resources to ensure clients can be considered in Case Conferencing.
– Coordinated Entry Leads and Non-HMIS List holders can use the resources as the bottom of this page as needed.

These client records are de-identified by nature and can only be managed by designated entities. Agencies should maintain paper records from their assessments with notes to match those clients to the assigned Client ID.

To enter a client record:
– 1. Be sure to get a VSP Code for your agency and assign Client ID’s properly
– 2. Conduct a client intake assessment using the Paper Form
– 3. Use the Client Data Entry form to place the client on the Non-HMIS PL – FOLLOW ALL INSTRUCTIONS ON THE FORM

Client ID’s should follow the procedure below:

The format for the number is XX-XX-XXXXX.

The first two digits indicate the agency number. This number is assigned by the CoC, see list below.

The second two digits identify which region/department/location of the agency (example would be for large agencies with multiple locations like the Department of Mental Health, VA, Salvation Army, Burrell, etc.). Each agency will determine an assigned number for the second two digits.

The last five digits are the client number, which will also be determined by each agency.

If you need to request a VSP Code please click here

Table of all VSP codes for Agencies

Please note that agencies that are not designated Victim Services Providers will still need a code assigned to enter clients they assess. If you are providing services to a person who needs this level of protection, request a code or refer those clients to other agencies that may better provide for the needs of that client. Be sure to communicate with the agency, as well as the client.

CES Leads and List holders

All CES leads, List Holders and Non-HMIS list holders need to be assigned user accounts to manage the Non-HMIS Prioritization list. Email Support@moboscoc.org to gain access and address access issues.

The workflow should look like this:

Agencies enter deidentified client data –> Non-HMIS List Holder ensures accurate and current Non-HMIS PL –> List holder (HMIS) compiles the two lists –> CES lead conducts case conferencing –> updates are tracked on the the PL

How to export a sheet:

  1. Open the desired report
  2. Click on the The Dot menu beside the report name
  3. Under the item Export, select export to Microsoft Excel
  4. When file is downloaded copy and paste rows into HMIS report to create a complete PL
  5. Sort items as needed 

How to get update on clients:

  1. Open the updates report
  2. Find the “Update Request Needed” column
  3. Click the drop down arrow and select needed updates
  5. Requests for information are processed automatically