Welcome to the Coordinated Entry training process! We are excited for your to become an entry point for individuals and families experiencing homelessness.

Summary: Sign up for our online training platform through the MO BOS CoC website. This is for individuals who will be assessing clients directly. This training will need to be renewed annually. Get in touch with the regional lead for the counties you will be assessing for and ensure you have an MOU for each region your agency is active in. If you are in need of HMIS access, the HMIS authorized representative from your agency will need to complete a user request form and provide the certificate of completion from the LITMOS courses. From there, you will complete additional training for HMIS use and access.

LITMOS for Mo BoS CoC Coordinated Entry Assessor Training: In the Missouri Balance of State Continuum of Care, we utilize LITMOS as our training/learning platform. Within this platform, there will be: articles, videos, quizzes and more to educate on the Coordinated Entry process.

First, determine what Mo BoS CoC Access Point Level your agency is and sign up for LITMOS access. Make sure that you contact your Regional CE Lead to: inform them of your organization/role, describe services provided and lay the ground work to obtain an MOU for Coordinated Entry Case Conferencing.

  1. Identify your region with our CoC Map
  2. Reach out to the Regional Lead and inform them of your organization and purpose.
  3. Take note of the meetings for your Region, this is key in staying up to date with changes in the CoC, networking with organizations in your community and obtaining an MOU to attend Case Conferencing.
  4. Sign up for LITMOS Access here.
    • Coordinated Entry training in Litmos needs to be completed by every staff person at your agency who will be doing Coordinated Entry intake/assessment.
    • After sign up, individuals completing the training will receive a link form LITMOS (check spam folder if not received)
    • After completing the training, save all certificates for documentation purposes.
    • This training will need to be renewed annually to keep certification.

Note: MO BoS CoC Coordinated Entry MOU for Regional Case Conferencing
Agencies must have a Coordinated Entry MOU with the CE Lead of the region and the Lead Agency. If your agency will be participating in CE for multiple regions, you must have an MOU for each region. Ensure you obtain an MOU after someone from your agency has completed the Assessor Training.

  • The blank MOU is available here
  • Agencies will need to sign the MOU and send to the Regional CE Lead for their signature (who will send to the Lead Agency for signature.)

CoC Questions? Contact:

The Institute for Community Alliances (ICA) HMIS Access Training Process

If you are in need of HMIS access, you must coordinate with ICA. This is typically done through the HMIS Authorized Representative of your agency. They will complete a New User Request form and you must provide your LITMOS certificate of completion to be able to begin HMIS training.
Review the training process here.
For more resources with ICA check out: https://icamissouri.helpscoutdocs.com/

If you have any questions about HMIS Training, reach out to ICA’s Help Desk- MOHMIS@icalliances.org