The Mo BoS CoC still uses SAPLitmos Learning Management System for Coordinated Entry training. The CoC provides a variety of training including Coordinated Entry and annual membership requirements. Please see our Coordinated Entry training page here.

Trainings Currently Available

Housing First and Coordinated Entry:
This is not part of the Coordinated Entry Assessor training, but rather for all CoC members. This training is meant to be part of your annual CoC Member Participation. Each Agency should have at least one representative take this training to make sure your agency is up-to-date and knowledgeable on Housing First principles and Coordinated Entry Practices.
Where to find it: All Litmos users are assigned this course. New users should request access using the link above

Coordinated Entry Update Training: this is the update for our new Coordinated Entry Intake tool.
Where to find it: Integrated into CE learning paths, a standalone option under course titled: “Coordinated Entry Training 2020”

Coordinated Entry Annual Compliance Training: Annually required CE training for all CE assessors.
Where to find it: your Litmos “Learning paths” should have a list of CE levels. Take the learning path that matches your CE assessor level. All new updates have been incorporated into this training as of November 2020.

ARCHIVED: Fair Housing Training: This is not part of Coordinated Entry Training. Each Agency should have at least one representative take this training to make sure your agency is knowledgeable about the Fair Housing Act (Participation is tracked by the agency for CoC participation). The training was published in December 2020.
Where to find it: All Litmos users were assigned the Fair Housing course in December 2020. New users should request access using the link above.

HMIS training is not provided through Litmos. 

If you are an HMIS user for the CoC Coordinated Entry Project, you need to contact the Institute for Community Alliances (ICA), our HMIS lead agency.
– Existing HMIS users – Should complete Litmos training and follow up with ICA. HMIS training consists of videos and practice cases. Please ensure that all training is completed ASAP. Users who have not completed training by January 22nd may lose access to HMIS.
– New HMIS users – Users who have not had access to the Coordinated Entry Project will need to complete New User training provided by ICA. Please contact them, or your Agency lead to request to be included on the New User List.
You may contact ICA for HMIS-related questions at