Responsibillities of the Coordinated Entry Committee:

  1. Draft overarching policies and procedures that all agencies who are participating in Coordinated Entry within the Balance of State must abide by
  2. Create structure for agencies in the BoS to participate in, per HUD’s guidelines and benchmarks
  3. Provide support and advice for regions as they implement coordinated entry
  4. Review any regional policies and procedures that subregions are required to submit. After review, the CE Committee will make a recommendation to the Governing Board whether or not to approve regional policies
  5. Ensures the CO BoS Governing Board is aware of all new Coordinated Entry-related HUD requirements

Monthly Meetings- The meeting of the Coordinated Entry Committee takes place on the first Tuesday of the month at 9 am.

Committee Chair: Maggie Thomas
Vice Chair: Kelli Kemna
Secretary: Tammie Bratton