Responsibillities of the Coordinated Entry Committee:
- Draft overarching policies and procedures that all agencies who are participating in Coordinated Entry within the Balance of State must abide by
- Create structure for agencies in the BoS to participate in, per HUD’s guidelines and benchmarks
- Provide support and advice for regions as they implement coordinated entry
- Review any regional policies and procedures that subregions are required to submit. After review, the CE Committee will make a recommendation to the Governing Board whether or not to approve regional policies
- Ensures the CO BoS Governing Board is aware of all new Coordinated Entry-related HUD requirements
Monthly Meetings- The meeting of the Coordinated Entry Committee takes place on the first Tuesday of the month at 9 am.
Committee Chair: Maggie Thomas
Vice Chair: Kelli Kemna
Secretary: Tammie Bratton