The MO BoS CoC Point-In-Time Count Committee will work with the Collaborative Applicant and HMIS Lead to complete the HUD-required annual Point-In-Time (PIT) Count and Housing Inventory Count (HIC). Through recruitment of local leadership, development of training material, and standardization of processes, the Point-In-Time Count Committee enables the CoC to conduct a complete count of all homeless persons in its geographical area.

  • Develops a plan to conduct a Point-in-Time Count in collaboration with the Collaborative Applicant, regional leads, and the HMIS Lead;
  • Provides guidance and support on annual changes to PIT Count and HIC requirements;
  • Determines date and time of annual PIT Count and HIC as needed;
  • Ensures safety precautions are in place during the PIT Count;
  • Ensures PIT Count and HIC data is managed in compliance with HUD requirements; and
  • Ensures proper submission of PIT Count and HIC reports to HUD.

Monthly Meetings- The meeting of the Point in Time Count Committee takes places on the first Thursday of the month at 1 pm.

Committee Chair: Ann Gosnell-Hopkins
Vice Chair: Edwin Cooper