The MO BoS CoC Youth Services Committee works to represent the needs of youth and young adults who may interact with the homeless system of care. Through quality data, collaborative efforts, and partnerships within and outside of the CoC, the Youth Services Committee will diligently ensure fair and effective service for youth within the CoC.
- Identifies the needs of youth who interact with the homelessness system of care;
- Coordinates with other committees, CoC entities, or other organizations as necessary to meet the needs of youth within the CoC’s geographic area;
- Utilizes research and information to ensure data-informed decisions are being made to best assist youth in seeking housing resources;
- Develops and recommends appropriate training for CoC members to ensure that the CoC practices are well equipped and operating under best practices when serving youth with housing needs.
- Collaborates with the Performance Committee and HMIS Lead to monitor and evaluate metrics that represent youth needs; and
- Ensure the experience of youth is well represented in the CoC’s decision-making process.
Monthly Meetings- The meeting of the Youth Services Committee takes place on the third Tuesday of the month at 10 am.
Who • – organizer
Committee Chair: open
Vice Chair: open