Register for the Q1 BoS CoC Full Membership Meeting

The meeting will take place via Zoom Thursday, March 13, 2025 from 9:45 am to noon.

Join Zoom Meeting:
Please sign up below:

The June Full Membership Meeting Presentation:

We have the Digital Agenda for the meeting right here:

Digital Agenda

Speaker’s Agenda with Time Stamps

Speaker Agenda

  • One representative from each member organization must attend to keep membership in good standing
  • CoC members will be voting on items such as; At Large Board Members, Governance Changes, etc. Please ensure that a primary or alternate voter is in attendance to the meeting to vote. One vote is allowed per organization.
  • Members will be expected to attend the entirety of the meeting to meet the training expectations of the membership.

Meeting Archive:

This link will direct you to our past meetings and their agendas.